The Criminal Justice Process

Victim Rights and Services

国家受害者服务委员会的成员对你成为一起犯罪的受害者表示遗憾. In addition to your personal losses, the experience may have created stress, fear and confusion for you. We want to help.

州受害者服务委员会是由马里兰州大会设立的,旨在解决犯罪受害者的独特需求,并为改善州和地方犯罪受害者服务提出建议. 已指定一本小册子,向您介绍受害者的权利和服务,并帮助您使用这些权利和服务. 它概述了一个案件在刑事司法系统程序中要经历的步骤,并解释了刑事司法系统对犯罪受害者和证人的责任. 这本小册子可在大学警察局获得,并分发给向警方报告的犯罪的每个受害者或证人.

General Rights

Under the Maryland Constitution, state laws and guidelines, a victim of crime must be treated with dignity, respect and sensitivity during all phases of the criminal justice process. After a crime has been committed, and throughout the criminal justice process, 在下列期间,不同的权利和服务适用于特定的受害者.

After You Report A Crime

如果警察逮捕了嫌疑犯,他们将把他/她带到法院专员面前. 有关您的案件的信息将提供给当地检察官,也称为州检察官. 法院专员将决定是否有足够的证据,即所谓的“可能的原因”来指控犯罪嫌疑人, and if so, 在什么条件下嫌疑人可以被释放,直到法官举行听证会.

If the suspect is held in custody after the Court Commissioner hearing, he/she will be entitled to a bail hearing before a judge. The judge will then decide whether to release the suspect, perhaps with certain conditions, or to keep him/her in jail until a trial is held. 被告只有在事实显示他/她对社会构成危险及/或他/她有可能不会出庭的情况下,才可被拘留. Most suspects are released.

检察官将审查警方提供的信息,并决定指控什么, if any, should be filed against the suspect in District Court of Circuit Court. 在大多数严重的案件中,检察官可以使用大陪审团来作出这些决定.

情节严重的,犯罪嫌疑人有权要求法官进行预审. 在这次听证会上,法官将决定是否有足够的证据或“可能的原因”继续对嫌疑人进行指控. If the prosecutor proceeds with the case, a trial will be set by the court. 由于法庭日程拥挤,这个案子可能需要几个月的时间才能开庭审理. 在准备审判的时候,检察官会通知受害者和关键证人.

Your Rights Before the Trial

一旦嫌疑犯(现在称为被告)被指控犯罪, 被告的律师将设法在审判前搜集资料以帮助准备案件. 律师可能会询问你的姓名和地址,通常也会收到. 然而,你不需要与被告的律师或他的代表交谈.

如果被告威胁你,或以任何方式干扰你,不要犹豫,立即报警. 如果你作为控方证人而你的安全因此受到威胁, contact the State’s Attorney immediately. 被告做任何事阻止你在审判中作证都是犯罪. 受害者/证人保护资源可用于增加对您的保护,并使您能够参与法庭诉讼.

Before the trial, the defendant may appear at various court hearings. As a victim, you have the right to attend these hearings, the trial, and any related hearings or proceedings. 你可以要求检控官通知你任何你应该出席的出庭. Often the judge may grant several “continuances” or delays, at the request of the dense or the prosecution. Even though delays and continuances are frustrating, 当你被要求出庭时,你继续出庭是很重要的.

During the Trial

A victim has the right to be present at the trial. A victim can request that his address and phone number remain confidential, and not be listed in the court records. 检察官可以帮助你为审判做准备,告诉你被告的律师可能会问什么问题.

After the Trial

如果被告被判有罪,法官将举行量刑听证会,通常在晚些时候举行. 法官有几种量刑选择,包括:监禁或监禁, probation, payment of fines or restitution, or any combination of these options. Probation is the most frequently imposed sentence. 缓刑意味着被定罪的罪犯将被释放,并可能在缓刑官的监督下. Probation often includes special conditions such as drug testing.

In every case resulting in serious physical injury or death, 受害人或受害人代表可以向法院陈述犯罪的影响. 法院还必须考虑受害者的书面影响陈述,该陈述描述了犯罪对受害者的影响. A victim also has the right to request restitution. The State’s Attorney will help you make this request to the judge.

After Sentencing

审判结束后,被害人有权要求返还赃物或者其他财物. The State’s Attorney will help you retrieve your property. Finally, 惩教司有权通知受害者有关被告的判决或释放的任何进一步听证会, or the Parole Commission. 州检察官会把你的通知请求转发到正确的地方,以便将来联系.

Help Throughout The Justice Process

Throughout the criminal justice process, and even after it has been completed, you may experience physical, emotional, or psychological distress as a result of your victimization. This may be normal, and help is available.

Criminal Injuries Compensation

设立了刑事伤害赔偿委员会(CICV),以便在没有其他资源的情况下向马里兰州的犯罪受害者提供经济援助. 在下列条件下,犯罪受害者有资格获得因犯罪而产生的医疗和/或丧葬费用的报销:

Who May Apply?

  • Crime victims, or their parents or guardians on their behalf
  • Dependants of victims who died as a result of a crime
  • 为直接因犯罪而死亡的受害人支付丧葬费用的人
  • Persons injured while preventing a crime or assisting a police officer
  • 因醉酒驾驶而受伤或死亡的人

What is Required?

  • A crime report to police within 48 hours of the crime
  • A completed claim form sent to CICB within 180 days of the crime.
  • Physical injury or death directly related to the crime
  • Innocence of the victim; that is, the victim bears no responsibility for the crime or the injury
  • Serious financial hardship resulting from the crime.

For further information and assistance in filing, call or write to:

Criminal Injuries Compensation Board
Plaza Office Center, Suite 3112
6776 Reisterstown Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21215
410-585-3010 or 888-679-9347 
Fax: 410-764-3815

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